Tyreese D Puppydog

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

New Japanese Garden

Hi 'Reeses' Fans,

I hope you had a Tail Wagging Holiday weekend. I certainly did!!!

Saturday Mommy went to a flea market to see how her cards would sell to different demographics (that's a 5 cookie word!!!). Daddy and I took her coffee and watched the table while Mommy took a walk around. I helped Daddy eat his fresh croissant. I like croissants from Oferdahls!

On Sunday, I helped Mommy and Daddy create a small Japanese Garden on the front entranceway to the house. Daddy bought a fountain with a spinning ball on the top, and water cascading down the sides on Saturday. Mommy and Daddy went to Lowes on Sunday and bought some log edging, mulch and little succulents for the garden. Mommy had bought a bonsai tree at the flea market, so with some rocks and accent lighting, it is looking great right now.

Mommy is going to get some Japanese figures/benches and a wooden bridge to finish the look later.

It looks really nice at the front. Check out these videos of day and night. A little blotchy, but that makes them faster to see!!!

Have fun watching them

Check back for more Puppy News soon

Sniffs and Tail Wags
