Long Week without Daddy (or a Computer)

Hi 'Reeses Fans!
Sorry for not writing last week. Daddy was away on business (no walks for me...) and I was not able to get to the computer as it was sleeping....
So, I had a good week with Mommy, but I missed Daddy and our walks and car rides together!
Did you know, I am getting so good at going through the Drive (bark) thru with Daddy. We get Mommy a BK Coffee on the weekend, go to the bank, and get dinner sometimes from Boston Market. Hmmmm, that always smells so "Yummy" for my tummy......... :-)
Last night we all went to the Post Office so Mommy could send out some Barbies she had sold on ebay for our friend Judy. Judy has a new puppy at her house, and I hope we can get to visit soon. He has a cold, so cannot have visitors until he is all better.
More from me soon
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