My Hair Cut & the Tree

Hi Reeses fans!
Yesterday I had a hair cut. I was starting to look like the Shaggy DA, so Mommy & Daddy took me to the groomers.
I am now all puppyish again, and the nice grooming lady said I now had a GI Jane cut!
I like it as the hitchhikers find it harder to stick to my legs...
Yesterday afternoon I helped Mommy & Daddy put up the Christmas Tree and decorations. Daddy even put lights out around the drive so it will look great in the dark.
We all worked very hard, I helped unpack all the ornaments, and helped Mommy put up the tree whilst Daddy put the lights outside.
We all listened to Christmas CD's and decorated the tree together. I hope you like the picture of me in front of the tree.
I have already put up my Christmas stocking ready for Santa Paws! He will be here next weekend!
Is anybody else gettng excited???
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