Puppies Help Children Learn to read

Reading Assistant
Pets can help children improve their reading skills.
The R.E.A.D. (Reading Education Assistance Dogs) program pairs specially trained therapy dogs with children who are struggling with reading skills. The dog serves as an audience as the child reads aloud. Dog owners volunteer to take their trained dogs to schools and libraries throughout the U.S. and Canada. Contact your local R.E.A.D. organization to participate, or try this read-aloud approach at home.
Wow!! Such wonderful puppies sitting there helping children to read. I try and do that but I get so excited, my mind wanders and I am off to play with a toy somewhere, or check out a sound I heard.
I am working on sitting and listening better though... A cookie or treat at the end of the book certainly makes it easier to sit still and listen right up to the end!
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