Wow, What a Weekend

Hi Reeses fans! How was your weekend?
I had a great time! I was in charge of Car Rides, except when Mommy wouldn't let me go!
I was a good "Snak-Vac" too! Mommy accidently knocked the cookie box over, and cookie pieces spilled all over the floor. Mommy tried to get them all, but I helped her a LOT by "snak-vacing" as many pieces as I could.
I also helped Daddy deliver a birthday gift to Judy. Judy lives with Jack the Yellow Lab and Kelly the Pekinese. They love it when I come to visit. We all have fun together, and try not to bump into too many things. Jacks tail sometimes even knocks things off the coffee table, and Jim doesn't really like that a lot!!!!!
I got to ride to Judys without my car seat as it was just a short Car Ride. I got to sit in the big seat like Mommy and Daddy. It is harder to look out of the window without my car seat, but we had the top down so I could see up too!
Me n Brown Dog played "Catch' with Daddy for a while when we got back.
Mommy and Daddy also put new carpet in my bedroom for me. It is nice n soft, kinda like the carpet in Mommy and Daddys bedroom. I like sleeping on my new carpet.
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